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Супа! » 2010 » февруари

Monthly Archives: февруари 2010

Dude, where’s my car?

Dude, where’s my car?

Dude, where’s my car?, originally uploaded by excessmind.


The fabric

The fabric

The fabric, originally uploaded by excessmind.


Chocolate puppy

Chocolate puppy

Chocolate puppy, originally uploaded by excessmind.




Atomium, originally uploaded by excessmind. Още една непубликувана и несъединявана досега панорама, тази е от 15 кадъра и се бях отказал да я правя изобщо, защото …


Silhouetto of a man

Silhouetto of a man

Silhouetto of a man, originally uploaded by excessmind.




Tapioka, originally uploaded by excessmind. Помолиха ме да снимам тези странни топчета, наречени тапиока, или маниока, или нещо подобно и забелязах, че оформят приятна структура напомняща …


Jelly Bean!

Jelly Bean!

Jelly Bean!, originally uploaded by excessmind. nomnomnomnom….


Just cruisin’…

Just cruisin’…

Just cruisin’…, originally uploaded by excessmind. … with the large KIA in UK, right before returining it to the rental company.


Fishy, fishy!

Fishy, fishy!

Fishy, fishy!, originally uploaded by excessmind. Един от странните обитатели на Bournemouth Oceanarium


Who’s there?

Who’s there?

Who’s there?, originally uploaded by excessmind.