Stars, originally uploaded by excessmind. about 40mins exposure, unfortunately light from nearby buildings crept in
Stars, originally uploaded by excessmind. about 40mins exposure, unfortunately light from nearby buildings crept in
102 upside down, originally uploaded by excessmind. Who didn’t align these smds :-) I tried to focus blend 2 photos shot at f/2.8 in photoshop. It’s working …
Olives & Rosemary, originally uploaded by excessmind. ready for cooking…
St.Patrick’s Day, originally uploaded by excessmind. Тъй, като е св. Патрик, трябваше да купя още Гинес и да го снимам преди пиене :) Наздраве!
The new mall, originally uploaded by excessmind. най-новият и най-големият мол отвори днес в София. Обаче няма кино или каквато и да е друга форма на …
Guiness, originally uploaded by excessmind. Бях забравил колко добър вкус има
Photo of photos, originally uploaded by excessmind. Отпечатах първите 70 снимки от 365те
The return of the Abi, originally uploaded by excessmind.
In Soviet Russia Cheezburgerz eat u, originally uploaded by excessmind.
Monthly Archives: март 2010